سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی دانشگاه شیراز


Expression of p53 protein and the histomorphological view of epidermis in experimental animals after cladribine application

صفحه 198-205
P. Chylińska-Wrzos؛ M. Lis-Sochocka؛ E. Wawryk-Gawda؛ M. Jędrych؛ M. Łańcut؛ K. Bulak؛ B. Jodłowska-Jędrych


Effect of adding soymilk on physicochemical, microbial, and sensory characteristics of probiotic fermented milk containing Lactobacillus acidophilus

صفحه 206-210
A. Kazemi؛ S. M. Mazloomi؛ Z. Hassanzadeh-Rostami؛ M. Akhlaghi


Comparative evaluation of glycerolized bovine pericardium implant with prolene mesh for closure of large abdominal wall defects in dogs

صفحه 211-217
K. S. Abouelnasr؛ A. E. Zaghloul؛ G. I. Karrouf


Sequence analysis of the VP1 gene in three very virulent Iranian infectious bursal disease virus strains

صفحه 218-222
A. Ghaniei؛ S. M. Peighambari؛ J. Razmyar


Effects of dietary lead acetate and aluminosilicates on the antioxidative defense system of broilers’ muscle tissues

صفحه 223-226
D. Prvulović؛ M. Popović؛ D. Kojić؛ G. Grubor-Lajšić


Antioxidant and anticoccidial effects of garlic powder and sulfur amino acids on Eimeria-infected and uninfected broiler chickens

صفحه 227-232
M. Pourali؛ H. Kermanshahi؛ A. Golian؛ G. R. Razmi؛ M. Soukhtanloo


Comparative assessment of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide, nitric oxide and echocardiography for diagnosis of dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs

صفحه 233-237
A. Kumar؛ S. Dey؛ K. Mahendran؛ A. Dan؛ S. Mahajan؛ A. Saxena


Phenotypic and genetic diversity of motile aeromonads isolated from diseased fish and fish farms

صفحه 238-243
S. M. Modarres Mousavi Behbahani؛ M. Akhlaghi؛ H. Sharifiyazdi


Effects of GnRHa active immunity on FSHR expression and uterine development in prepuberty and non cyclic ewes

صفحه 244-249
S. Wei؛ Z. Gong؛ J. Dong؛ X. Ouyang؛ K. Xie؛ M. Wei


The effects of short- and long-term diet supplementation with Iranian propolis on the growth and immunity in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

صفحه 250-255
A. Tukmechi؛ F. Karimi Rad؛ F. Farrokhi؛ N. Agh؛ R. Jalili


The effect of the extracts of Echinacea purpurea and Sambucus nigra (black elderberry) on virus shedding in H9N2 avian influenza infected chickens

صفحه 256-261
S. Karimi؛ H. Dadras؛ A. Mohammadi


Growth performance and some haematological parameters of ornamental striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) fed on dietary nucleotide

صفحه 262-265
M. Yaghobi؛ S. Dorafshan؛ F. Paykan Heyrati؛ N. Mahmoudi


Reproductive effects of dietary soy phytoestrogens, genistein and equol on farmed female beluga, Huso huso

صفحه 266-271
A. Yousefi Jourdehi؛ M. Sudagar؛ M. Bahmani؛ S. A. Hosseini؛ A. A. Dehghani؛ M. A. Yazdani


Modeling the effects of Bunium persicum (Black Zira) essential oil, pH, inoculums size and temperature on the growth of Listeria monocytogenes

صفحه 272-278
Z. Noori؛ S. Khanzadi؛ A. Jamshidi؛ H. A. Seifi


Replacement of salamon with shotor diluent and egg yolk with low density lipoprotein for chilled storage of ram semen

صفحه 279-284
S. Gharibi؛ A. Niasari-Naslaji؛ N. Poursasan؛ A. A. Moosavi-Movahedi


Seroprevalence of leptospirosis among suspected cattle in eastern part of India: a comparative study between rLipL32ELISA and MAT

صفحه 285-289
S. K. Behera؛ T. Sabarinath؛ A. Kumar؛ S. C. Das؛ T. K. Palai؛ D. Patra؛ P. Chaudhuri


Experimental induction of left abomasal displacement: a new educational technique

صفحه 290-292
A. R. Raayat Jahromi؛ S. Dehghani Nazhvani؛ M. Foroud


Genotyping of PRNP coding region for scrapie in Indian sheep

صفحه 293-296
S. Choudhary؛ N. Gupta؛ G. Jethra


Some acute phase proteins, oxidative stress biomarkers and antioxidant enzyme activities in ewes with pregnancy toxemia

صفحه 297-299
F. Gurdogan؛ E. Balıkçı؛ A. Yıldız


Conservative management with external coaptation technique for treatment of a severely comminuted fracture of the proximal phalanx in a Holstein-Friesian cow

صفحه 300-303
E. A. El-Shafaey؛ T. Aoki؛ M. Ishii؛ K. Yamada