سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی دانشگاه شیراز


Publishing papers tribally: a deviated branch of interdisciplinary research?

صفحه 1-2
M. Kafi؛ H. Nadgaran


Comparing CIDR with progesterone injections and eCG with human recombinant FSH for synchronizing estrous cycle in ewes

صفحه 3-7
A. Alijani؛ A. Niasari-Naslaji؛ N. Sayyah؛ M. Baninajar؛ M. Ganjkhanlou


First report of detection of mcr-1 and virulence genes in avian pathogenic Escherichia coli in the center of Algeria

صفحه 8-15
Z. Halfaoui؛ H. Rahab؛ R. Achek؛ M. N. Menoueri


Dietary incorporation of magnetic bentonite nanocomposite: impacts on in vitro fermentation pattern, nutrient digestibility, and growth performance of Baluchi male lambs

صفحه 16-24
E. Ibrahimi Khoram Abadi؛ S. Heydari؛ M. Kazemi


Investigation of antibiotic resistance, virulence genes, and biofilm formation of Escherichia coli isolated from sheep feces in Shiraz industrial slaughterhouse, South of Iran

صفحه 25-32
Z. Naziri؛ A. Hajihasani؛ A. Derakhshandeh


‌Evaluation of the therapeutic potential of infrapatellar fat pad adipose-derived stem cells and their secretome for regenerating knee articular cartilage in a rat model of osteoarthritis

صفحه 33-40
S. A. Dalir؛ A. Meimandi Parizi؛ N. Tanideh؛ M. Kian؛ F. Nowzari؛ A. Iraji؛ P. Ghaemmagham؛ N. Azarpira؛ Sh. Zare


Distribution of maedi-visna virus in different organs of the spontaneously affected small ruminants in India

صفحه 41-47
Sh. Valecha؛ H. S. Yadav؛ N. Roopa؛ S. D. Vinaykumar؛ M. Bhardwaj؛ V. Singh؛ P. Kumar


Evaluation of the efficiency of estrus synchronization protocols combined with natural service and ultrasonography on ewe reproductive performance during non-breeding season

صفحه 48-53
P. R. Kumar


Effect of season on histoarchitecture of pineal gland in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)

صفحه 54-61
A. Sharma؛ V. Kumar؛ V. K. Singh؛ T. K. Patbandha؛ Y. L. Vyas


Isolation and molecular characterization of fowl adenovirus from inclusion body hepatitis cases in Western India during 2019-2021

صفحه 62-68
V. G. Chavan؛ S. P. Awandkar؛ R. C. Kulkarni؛ S. G. Chavhan؛ R. D. D Suryawanshi؛ R. K. Jadhav؛ M. B. Kulkarni؛ A. A. Agnihotri


Characterization and seminal cryopreservation of three species of birds of prey

صفحه 69-73
J. A. Herrera-Barragán؛ I. Rodríguez-Montiel؛ A. M. Rosales-Torres؛ A. Ávalos-Rodríguez؛ A. Guzmán-Sánchez؛ J. J. Pérez-Rivero


Penile hemangiosarcoma as a cause of stranguria in a dog: clinical presentation, imaging findings, treatment and out-come

صفحه 74-78
A. Pierini؛ C. Picchi؛ G. Pisani؛ D. Binanti؛ A. Carli؛ F. Rossi؛ M. C. Criscuolo