سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی دانشگاه شیراز


Separation of the two dimensional Laplace operator by the disconjugacy property

صفحه 1-6
H. A. Atia؛ R. A. Mahmoud


ZnO mediated a cheap, efficient, and mild synthesis of unsymmetrical carboxylic acid anhydrides

صفحه 7-11
M. Hosseini-Sarvari؛ Z. Mardaneh


Chebyshev cardinal functions for solving volterra-fredholm integrodifferential equations using operational matrices

صفحه 13-24
H. Heydari؛ Z. Avazzadeh؛ G. B. Loghmani


Three-component synthesis of propargylamine derivatives via 1,4-dihydroxyanthraquinone-copper(II) complexes as an efficient catalyst under solvent-free conditions

صفحه 25-35
H. Sharghi؛ A. Khoshnood؛ R. Khalifeh


Physiological responses of fennel seedling to four environmental stresses

صفحه 37-46
M. Nourimand؛ S. Mohsenzadeh؛ Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva


Pantic B-spline wavelets and their application for solving linear integral equations

صفحه 47-50
A. Askari-Hemmat؛ Z. Rahbani


Biofacies and palaeoecology of the Jahrum Formation in Lar area, Zagros Basin, (SW Iran)

صفحه 51-60
E. Nafarieh؛ H. Vaziri-Moghaddam؛ A. Taheri؛ A. Ghabeishavi


Numerics of stochastic parabolic differential equations with stable finite difference schemes

صفحه 61-70
A.R. Soheili؛ M. Arezoomandan


Effects of salt stress on photosystem II of canola plant (Barassica napus, L.) probing by chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements

صفحه 71-76
M. Jafarinia؛ M. Shariati


Generalized fuzzy filters in ordered semigroups

صفحه 77-86
B. Davvaz؛ A. Khan