Unpacking EFL Teachers’ Understandings and Strategies of Self-Awareness Competence in the Classroom | ||
Teaching English as a Second Language Quarterly (Formerly Journal of Teaching Language Skills) | ||
دوره 42، شماره 4، اسفند 2023، صفحه 45-69 اصل مقاله (685.86 K) | ||
نوع مقاله: Research Paper | ||
شناسه دیجیتال (DOI): 10.22099/tesl.2023.47991.3203 | ||
نویسندگان | ||
Esmaeel Ali Salimi* ؛ Mona Najjarpour | ||
Department of English Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran | ||
چکیده | ||
The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) defines self-awareness competence as the ability to assess one's emotions, values, and skills realistically. Utilizing this definition as a theoretical framework, this qualitative study aimed to explore EFL teachers' perceptions and strategies regarding self-awareness competence in the classroom. To accomplish this goal, 19 EFL teachers from Iran were recruited through convenience sampling and took part in one semi-structured written interview and four focus group interviews to exchange their perspectives and strategies for developing their self-awareness competence. Adopting the routine analytical steps in grounded theory, i.e., open, axial, and selective coding, the study identified three key components for the participants’ self-awareness perceptions: knowing one’s emotions, having a growth mindset, and having a realistic sense of self-perception. The participants also outlined two primary categories of self-reflection strategies - practical and cognitive - to enhance their self-awareness competence. It was found that reflective practices were essential tools for cultivating the self-awareness competence of EFL teachers. Additionally, the study unveiled that EFL teachers' attitudes and strategies toward self-awareness competence were harmonious. Ultimately, the findings demonstrated promising prospects for future EFL teachers to enhance their personalized reflective strategies. | ||
کلیدواژهها | ||
CASEL؛ EFL Classrooms؛ EFL Teachers’ Understandings and Strategies؛ Self-Awareness Competence | ||
مراجع | ||
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