سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی دانشگاه شیراز

Shirazifard, Haniyeh, Abbasian, Gholam Reza, Mohseni, Ahmad, Rashtchi, Mojgan. (1401). Implementation of Task-based Collaborative Dialogues in EFL Speaking Classes: Focus on Achievements and Perceptions. , 41(3), 155-195. doi: 10.22099/tesl.2021.39105.2916
Haniyeh Shirazifard; Gholam Reza Abbasian; Ahmad Mohseni; Mojgan Rashtchi. "Implementation of Task-based Collaborative Dialogues in EFL Speaking Classes: Focus on Achievements and Perceptions". , 41, 3, 1401, 155-195. doi: 10.22099/tesl.2021.39105.2916
Shirazifard, Haniyeh, Abbasian, Gholam Reza, Mohseni, Ahmad, Rashtchi, Mojgan. (1401). 'Implementation of Task-based Collaborative Dialogues in EFL Speaking Classes: Focus on Achievements and Perceptions', , 41(3), pp. 155-195. doi: 10.22099/tesl.2021.39105.2916
Shirazifard, Haniyeh, Abbasian, Gholam Reza, Mohseni, Ahmad, Rashtchi, Mojgan. Implementation of Task-based Collaborative Dialogues in EFL Speaking Classes: Focus on Achievements and Perceptions. , 1401; 41(3): 155-195. doi: 10.22099/tesl.2021.39105.2916