An Investigation into Perfectionism, Self-Efficacy, Metacognitive Strategy Use, and Second Language Listening Comprehension: A Path Analysis Approach | ||
Teaching English as a Second Language Quarterly (Formerly Journal of Teaching Language Skills) | ||
دوره 40، شماره 2، مرداد 2021، صفحه 119-159 اصل مقاله (762.45 K) | ||
نوع مقاله: Research Paper | ||
شناسه دیجیتال (DOI): 10.22099/jtls.2021.40272.2977 | ||
نویسندگان | ||
Mohammad Hasan Razmi1؛ Ali Akbar Jabbari* 1؛ Saeed Zare2 | ||
1Foreign Languages Department, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran | ||
2Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University | ||
چکیده | ||
Individual differences in personality traits can influence students' ability to learn a new language. Among the important personality traits, perfectionism has recently been the topic of investigation in second language acquisition research. Following this line of research, the current study aims at examining a path model linking dimensions of perfectionism to second language (L2) listening comprehension through mediating effects of subscales of self-efficacy along with the use of metacognitive listening strategy (MLS). A sample of 230 English as a foreign language (EFL) participants majoring in Translation studies and English Literature completed the perfectionism, general self-efficacy, and MLS questionnaires and took an IELTS listening comprehension test. The sample included 112 juniors (48.7 %), and 118 seniors (51.3 %) selected through convenience nonrandom sampling. Cluster analysis was used to identify three perfectionistic clusters: adaptive, maladaptive, and non-perfectionists. The results of a path analysis revealed that perfectionism and MLS use were the most significant variables in the proposed conceptual model. While correlational analyses in this study revealed significant relationships among self-efficacy components and listening comprehension, the overall total effects were not significant. Adaptive perfectionism significantly contributed to the MLS use and listening ability (LA). Perfectionism also contributed significantly to the effort and persistence self-efficacy components. In contrast, perfectionism did not significantly influence the initiative self-efficacy subscale. Implications of this study are discussed. | ||
کلیدواژهها | ||
econd Language Listening Comprehension, Self-efficacy؛ Metacognitive Strategies, Perfectionism, Path Analysis Approach | ||
مراجع | ||
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