Ten years of severe plastic deformation (SPD) in Iran, part I: equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) | ||
Iranian Journal of Materials Forming | ||
مقاله 7، دوره 5، شماره 1، تیر 2018، صفحه 71-113 اصل مقاله (2.01 M) | ||
نوع مقاله: Review Paper | ||
شناسه دیجیتال (DOI): 10.22099/ijmf.2018.28756.1101 | ||
نویسندگان | ||
E. Bagherpour* 1؛ M. Reihanian2؛ N. Pardis3؛ R. Ebrahimi4؛ T.G. Langdon5 | ||
1Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Shiraz University | ||
2Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran | ||
3Department of Materials Science and Engineering, School of Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran | ||
4Department of Materials Science and Engineering, School of Engineering, Shiraz University, Iran. | ||
5Materials Research Group, Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK & Department of Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering University of Southern California | ||
چکیده | ||
The superior properties of ultrafine-grained materials fabricated by severe plastic deformation (SPD) have attracted the attention of many researchers around the world. Among the top-ranked countries that are active in this field, Iran is interesting because of the late beginnings of SPD in this country and, subsequently, the highest rate of growth in the number of publications during the last decade. The first Iranian work published in the field of equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) goes back to 2007, meaning that SPD research covers a period of only about ten years. Nevertheless, since that time there has been an increasing growth rate in the number of Iranian publications dealing with ECAP and especially the introduction of new methods based on ECAP and simulation of the method. The present overview is designed to summarize the main contributions from Iran in the field of ECAP processing. Interestingly, the main contribution of Iranian researchers in ECAP is focused on simulation/modelling and the introduction of new methods of SPD based on ECAP. | ||
کلیدواژهها | ||
severe plastic deformation؛ Equal-channel angular pressing؛ Ultrafine-grained materials؛ Mechanical properties | ||
مراجع | ||
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